Senator Barrasso and Wyoming Credit Unions connect in Casper

Wyoming credit union leaders had the opportunity to spend some time with Senator John Barrasso, R-WY today in his hometown […]

Electronic Titling Workgroup Initiated in Wyoming

At the request of Wyoming’s credit unions, the Wyoming Department of Transportation convened an electronic titling workgroup on September 18. […]

Legislative relationship in Wyoming’s Sweetwater County

Expanding vital relationships with legislators, before they are in session, continued this week in Sweetwater County where Trona Valley FCU […]

Wyoming Leadership Institute Graduates Celebrated

Wyoming credit union leaders were celebrated during the graduation ceremony for the GoWest Leadership Institute Wyoming cohort September 7 in […]

Celebrating community collaboration with FHLB in Wyoming

Wyoming’s Credit Unions were well represented August 24 at the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) Member Impact Fund event held […]

Building legislative relationships across Wyoming

The importance of one-on-one legislative relationships between credit union advocates and Wyoming legislators cannot be overstated. With a citizens legislature […]

Wyoming Task Force Focuses on Regulation’s Impact on Housing

Provide your input by September 11 so the Task Force can review it at the next meeting.

Working to Advance Financial Literacy in Wyoming Schools

One of the goals identified in the plan is to increase financial literacy education in the state.

Wyoming Credit Unions Establish Priorities

Thanks to the work of the State Issues Working Group and Governmental Affairs Committee, policy advance priorities are taking shape for 2024 and beyond.

WY Advocates Enjoy Special Meetings with Senators Driskill, Barlow, and Rep. Neiman

Senator Driskill’s family hosted advocates for dinner at the Campstool Ranch July 18.

Elections and Regulatory Sandbox discussed during Jt. Corp

Deep dive offers insight into draft legislation under review.

Protecting Wyoming’s Vulnerable Adults Training

Training for credit unions is available June 13.

Data Privacy Protection a Priority for BlockChain Select Committee

The committee’s directive for new legislation will be of interest to credit unions.

Wyoming’s Credit Unions Target Issues Lawmakers Care About

Advocates impressed lawmakers by sharing economic and community impact data.

Credit Unions Make a Mark in Wyoming Legislative Session

The legislature’s 37-day session convened on January 10 and adjourned March 3, with GoWest’s Bobbie Frank actively engaged every day.