Data Privacy Protection a Priority for BlockChain Select Committee

The Select Committee on Blockchain, Financial Technology and Digital Innovation Technology met May 15 – 16 in Jackson.  An issue likely to become a priority for Wyoming Credit Unions is the committee’s directive for legislation to be drafted including data privacy and protection.  Two bills will be drafted for the committees consideration at their September 11-12, 2023 meeting in Laramie, one to address consumer data privacy and protection and another aimed at public information statutes and addressing privacy and protection.

Other topics discussed included an update from the Governor’s office on the Wyoming Stable Token Commission created as a result of legislation past in the 2023 session. More information on the Commission can be found here.

The Committee also directed legislation be drafted to address unincorporated decentralized autonomous organizations, banking and trust assets in bankruptcy, digital asset lien registr,y and legislation to allow for expedited corporate filings with the Secretary of State’s office. The committee will also have a working group to explore legislative needs related to artificial intelligence.

As soon as draft legislation is publicly available the Association staff will be look for opportunities or impacts to Wyoming’s Credit Unions.


Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Wyoming Advocacy.