GoWest at ALEC

Zach Forster, VP of Legislative Affairs, Idaho and Bobbie Frank, VP of Legislative Affairs, Wyoming represented GoWest this week at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) annual meeting.

One-Stop Election Guide

Here are resources to help credit unions get to know more about people running for office in Wyoming.

Credit Unions Deliver Candidate Support in Wyoming

This week Wyoming Credit Union’s delivered political action committee support to several candidates.

Select Capitol Finance Committee Moves Local Government Investments Forward

The Select Committee on Capitol Financing and Investment met yesterday and discussed local government investment options, pursuant to Senate file 90 – State-managed local government equity investment pool – passed in the 2024 session.

Wyoming’s Economic Outlook

At their May meeting, the Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Committee received an Wyoming economic outlook briefing from Dr. Anne Alexander, Director of Outreach and Engagement, Center for Business and Economic Analysis.

Credit Unions Support Withers, SD 6

Bill Willingham, President and CEO WyHy FCU and Wyoming Government Affairs Co-Chair, Bill Yates, President & CEO First Education FCU, and Brian Thomas, President & CEO of Meridian Trust FCU presented Kim Withers, candidate for Wyoming legislative Senate District 6 with a campaign support check from Wyoming’s Credit Union Political Action Committee.

Transportation Committee moves Electronic titling

The Joint Transportation, Highway and Military Affairs Committee met Monday and Tuesday this week in Rock Springs.

Now is the Time to Meet Wyoming Candidates

The filing deadline for candidates is next Friday.

Senate District 6 Field Getting Crowded

Today is the official opening for legislative candidate filing in Wyoming. Many candidates across the state have already been announced and more announcements will be coming in the next few weeks.

Relationships, the Key to Advocacy

Having relationships with state legislators is imperative to a successful advocacy program. GoWest will be prioritizing continuing to develop these relationships between Wyoming’s credit unions.

Electronic Titling, Next Steps

GoWest convenes sub-groups in preparation for Wyoming moving forward with implementing electronic titling. 

Withers Announces Run for SD 6

Kim Withers, former President and CEO of Meridian Trust FCU headquartered in Cheyenne, has announced her intent to run for Wyoming state senate district 6.

Housing challenges discussed at Joint Corporations

Topics ranging from tax increment financing, local regulations and ordinances impeding development, impacts of out of state buyers driving up property values, land availability and abandoned building legislation and programs to help reduce interest rates were discussed by the Joint Corporations Committee.

Candidates announce across Wyoming

The busy election season is a reminder that new faces are always entering the political space, providing credit unions with the opportunity to advocate.

E-titling approved for interim study

At the request of a 13-member coalition of organizations, including GoWest Credit Union Association, along with the Wyoming Department of Transportation the Joint Transportation Committee included electronic titling as priority number three on their list of priorities.

Wyoming special session a no go

Headlines across the state have announced there will be no special session convened to attempt to override the Governor’s vetoes.

Wyoming to convene a special session – yes or no?

Wyoming’s legislative leadership initially announced last week that they would not entertain a special session. Members of the Freedom Caucus […]

Wyoming Election Announcements Rolling Out

Even before the official filing season opens, Bobbie Frank reports, legislative candidates are off and running.

Wyoming session adjourns

The 67th session of the Wyoming State Legislature adjourned on Friday March 8 around 9 p.m. The two houses passed […]

A Wyoming Win: Governor Signs HB 86 – Towing Notification Bill

Credit unions provided examples of just how costly it’s been without towing notification requirements, and lawmakers listened.