Working to Advance Financial Literacy in Wyoming Schools

Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction Megan Degenfelder recently released her Strategic Plan 2023-2027 . One of the goals identified in the plan is to increase financial literacy education in the state. Team members of Meridian Trust FCU met in May with Superintendent Degenfelder to discuss moving this goal forward. At her request, credit union leaders are forming a task force of broad representation of the financial services industry, educators, the University of Wyoming Extension, community leaders and other stakeholders interested in expanding financial literacy education. Some high schools in Wyoming have successfully instituted financial education requirements at the local level. Credit unions have played a key role in helping get more financial education in the school system such as WyHy FCU’s program to sponsor Student financial simulator in 18 high schools across Wyoming.  Bringing ideas like these examples together and creating recommendations for the Superintendent and leaders will be the goal of the task force. If you are interested in joining the conversation email Bobbie Frank, VP for Legislative Affairs, Wyoming for more information.

Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Wyoming Advocacy.