Real-time Updates from Hike the Hill: Bill to Avert Shutdown Headed for Biden’s Desk

Legislation averting shutdown heads for President’s desk, roundtable with Senate Banking member Lummis, more Hill meetings, and NCUA testimony will headline Thursday.

GoWest Advocates are on the Hill at a Historic Time

As Congress works to avert a government shutdown, a team of CU advocates is on hand for the Fall Hike the Hill. Read more about their very productive schedule.

Setting the Record Straight After a Bank Attack: Naming Rights Partnerships Help Communities.

Credit unions and your GoWest advocacy team won’t sit still when the banks lob unprovoked, misinformed attacks on credit unions. Read more about a recent Op-Ed published in collaboration with AZ CUs and GoWest.

Apply Now! Slots Still Open for Young Professionals to Crash the CUNA GAC

Crashers have until Nov. 20 to complete their applications. Get a front row seat to see Congress in action.

GoWest Analysis of FHFA’s Review of the Federal Home Loan Bank System.

In collaboration with member credit unions, GoWest was proactively providing input during the year-long review of the FHLBank System.

GoWest’s Congressional Delegation Will Look Different in 2024

Two Congressional Representatives from the GoWest region announced this week that they will not seek reelection.

WATCH: GoWest’s Ryan Fitzgerald Discusses Federal Credit Union Act Modernization at MAXX

GoWest’s Ryan Fitzgerald SVP, Advocacy joined the conversation at MAXX in the CU Broadcast Studio Lounge to discuss the Federal […]

WATCH: GoWest’s Jennifer Wagner Outlines Hyper-Local Advocacy from MAXX

While advocacy is job one and something credit union champions do every day of the year, advocacy season amps up […]

WATCH: Credit Unions Honored for Advocacy

Two credit unions from each GoWest state were recognized at MAXX Convention last week for their dedication to advocacy.

WATCH: Cathy McMorris Rodgers Shares Focus on Data Security, Compliance with MAXX Attendees

McMorris Rodgers supports a CU advocacy ask for one national data security standard.

Advocacy Thought Leaders Already at the Table at MAXX

“Everything that moves good policy forward starts with this process.”


Advocacy Opportunities Abound at MAXX

From the mainstage to breakout sessions and roundtables, there’s something for the CU advocate in all of us at MAXX.

No Government Shutdown – For Now

Eleventh hour legislation gives the House and Senate 45 days to finish their legislative work but against that backdrop, a battle for the House Speaker’s gavel has ignited.

Colorado CUs Connect with Rep. Brittany Pettersen

First-term Congresswoman Brittany Petttersen has a full plate but clears room for her credit union constituents.

Advocacy Win: Senate Banking Committee Marks-up and Approves SAFER Banking Act

The Never-Give-Up advocacy philosophy works as legislation advances to provide a pathway for CUs to serve legal cannabis businesses.

US Capital

Preparing for the Possibility of a Government Shutdown

GoWest is in continuous conversation with Congress and regulatory agencies and will keep credit unions informed.

Breaking News: Senate Banking Committee to Mark Up SAFE Legislation

The Sept. 27 markup is a key step to moving the legislaiton forward.


Reminder – CUs Interested in the Green House Gas Reduction Grant – Showcase your interest by September 15th

The Green House Gas Reduction Fund has been appropriated $27 billion for grants.

Holding Advocacy Sign

GoWest Advocates Share Data Debunking the Credit Card Competition Act with Congress

We have the data Congress has been asking for.

First Republican Presidential Debate Formally Kicks Off the 2024 Election Cycle

An early look at the 2024 elections which will impact credit unions’ operating environment.