Advocacy Thought Leaders Already at the Table at MAXX
Posted by Lynn Heider on October 2, 2023

The Regulatory Advisory Subcommittee, the Grassroots and Political Programs Committee, and the Federal Charter Work Group convened at MAXX Monday to share thoughts on how collaboration and advocacy can help create the operating environment for credit unions to best serve and support their members. Each meeting saw full-throttle engagement with discussions about exam priorities, supporting political candidates who will support CU initiatives, and opportunities to modernize the federal charter.
Pam Leavitt, GoWest’s SVP, Grassroots/Political Programs, said it best.
“Everything in moving good policy forward, or blocking harmful policy starts with this process.”
At the Federal Charter Work Group meeting, Troy Stang, GoWest President and CEO encouraged attendees to “think big…don’t let the current charter environment hold you back.”
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Federal Advocacy, Regulatory Advocacy.