Alert on cellphone

Action Alert: IRS Reporting Requirements Proposal

This effort is intended to improve taxpayer compliance and increase federal revenues by $463 billion over the next ten years.

August Virtual Hike Meetings

In focus for these meetings are the potential threats to the credit card interchange system being floated in the Senate.

Oregon Capitol

Oregon Legislative Updates

The Oregon Legislature is on a fast track to finalize a redistricting bill by September 27th.

Washington State Graphic

Washington State’s Economist Revises Revenue Forecast Upward

The news came during yesterday’s meeting of the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council as part of Dr. Stephen Lerch’s official quarterly forecast.

Idaho Economy and State Budget Continue Breaking Records

Governor Little held a press conference while visiting the communities around Coeur d’Alene, outlining the current strength and continued positive trajectory of Idaho’s economy.

2022 Race for Idaho Governor Already Getting Crowded

Only one week following the quasi-end of the 2021 Idaho Legislative Session and the race to be Idaho’s Governor has already started to get crowded.

ID State Capitol

Idaho Legislature (Somewhat) Adjourns the Session for 2021

After breaking the record for the longest Legislative Session in State history, at 122 Days, the Idaho Legislature has returned to their districts, having completed their business for the year…but are they done?

Salem, Oregon state capitol

Credit Union Priority Bills Head to the Senate Floor

The Northwest Credit Union Association’s two priority bills, HB3079 and HB3080, passed with unanimous votes out of the Senate Labor and Business Committee and will head to the Senator floor.

Idaho Legislature Recesses After Completing Majority of Work

Late Wednesday evening, the Idaho Senate and House worked through the vast majority of their remaining legislative work.

Rocky Road as Idaho Legislature Works to Close out the 2021 Session

It is time for the Idaho Legislature to complete their work and adjourn for the year, as the tone and tenor of political wrangling has become unruly and unproductive. 

Salem, Oregon state capitol

New Congressional Seat For Oregon

It is now up to the state to draw up the new district map.

US Capital

House Passed Multiple Bipartisan Financial Services Bills This Week

A total of 6 bills passed the chamber with bipartisan support, and they now must navigate the Senate.

House to Likely to Vote Next Week on SAFE Banking Act

It is likely that the House of Representative will bring the SAFE Banking Act (H.R. 1996) to floor for a vote next Wednesday, April 21.

The Biden Administration Preps Executive Order on Climate & Finance

This has been a focus of key Northwest congressional delegation members like Chairman Wyden (D – OR) and Senator Merkley (D – OR) for many years.

US Capital

Key Hearings on Credit Union Priorities in Congress This Week

This week there we a number of key hearings in both the Senate Banking Committee and the House Financial Services Committee.

Picture of Washington State Capitol Dept. of Revenue logo

Gov. Inslee signs public funds bill into law

The bill cleared the Legislature last week with a 68-30 vote by the House of Representatives, which came after a 40-7 vote in the Senate earlier this year.

Governor Little Signs Legislation Developed and Supported by NWCUA

Senate Bill 1131, which was a collaboration of the NWCUA and the Idaho Banker’s Association, was drafted in an effort to reduce the administrative burdens in how our credit unions manage court ordered garnishments. 

US Capitol

Northwest Leadership on the Joint Committee on Taxation

The 117th Committee on Taxation has been set with 3 key Northwest delegation members.

Prospects for the SAFE Banking Act

The SAFE Banking Act has been formally introduced in the House (H.R. 1996) and Senate (S. 910), both are bipartisan and well positioned.

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Governmental Affairs Committee Co-Chairs Advocate for Capital Relief

The Co-Chairs from our three state Governmental Affairs Committees penned a letter to the CUNA Advocacy Committee this week.