Real-Time GAC Updates: What Wyden Said That Drew Thunderous Applause

The Senator reiterated a position he’s long held, that credit unions agree with.

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GAC Real-Time Updates: Raising the Roof for CULAC

While meeting with Members of Congress this week, GAC attendees also contributed generously to CULAC.

GoWest’s Pam Leavitt Honored with Eugene Farley Award for Advocacy Leadership

Working closely with Oregon Credit Unions, Pam established an ultimate credit union advocacy model.

GAC Real-Time Updates: Staking Six GoWest State Flags at the National Governmental Affairs Conference

Credit union leaders proudly carried the state flags from Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming to the GAC mainstage.

Three credit union champions from the GoWest region inducted to CU House Hall of Leaders

Three credit union champions from the GoWest region were among the sixteen credit union inductees to the Credit Union House […]

GoWest’s Pam Leavitt Honored with Eugene Farley Award for Advocacy Leadership Copy

Working closely with Oregon Credit Unions, Pam established an ultimate credit union advocacy model.

picture of national credit union administration office

Advocating for Credit Unions Impacted by NCUA Call Report Change

Effective March 31st, credit unions with $1billion + will be required to report NSF and Overdraft fees as separate line items — a change not proactively communicated by NCUA.

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“Partial” Govt. Shutdown Looms; GoWest has Resources for Credit Unions

GoWest has a resource center to help credit unions serve their members who may be impacted.

US Capital

WATCH: GoWest’s Ryan Fitzgerald Reports from the Beltway on Advocacy Meetings

Ahead of the National Governmental Affairs Conference, Ryan is setting the stage for your legislative meetings.


Government Shutdown Averted, for Now

GoWest’s Madeline Robertson continues to monitor the situation and reports as of Thursday, Congress passed legislation continuing government funding until March.


A Deeper Dive into the CFPB’s Proposed Overdraft Rule

GoWest will provide robust advocacy to ensure the impacts on credit unions and ultimately their members, are clearly understood.


GoWest Meets with Congressional Leaders and Candidate in Colorado

The early January meetings set the stage for the national Governmental Affairs Conference and the 2024 election cycle.

US Capitol Building

Recent Announcements Bring Significant Changes to Colorado’s Federal Delegation

Announcements of retirements, candidacy for other offices, and other strategic decisions by elected officials point to many new faces in Congress following this year’s elections.

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Congressional Research Service Outlines Consequences of CCCA

Even Congress’ own independent research and analysis entity thinks Interchange legislation is a bad idea for consumers.

Calling all Advocates! Hit the Ground Running in 2024

We hope to see you at your state’s Day at the Capitol and at the GAC.

Oregon Credit Union Leaders, GoWest, Report Excellent Roundtable with Rep. Andrea Salinas

Credit union advocates take every possible opportunity to meet with federal elected officials in their home district.


GoWest Reviews Treasury’s New CDFI Certification Application

GoWest’s Sharee Adkins, Chief Impact Officer, and Ryan Fitzgerald, SVP, Advocacy, share high level details and timelines, while continuing to advocate for CDFI credit unions.


Director Chopra to appear before House Financial Services Committee and Senate Banking this week

His testimony coincides with a House Resolution vote expressing Congressional disapproval of the Bureau’s Business Lending Data Collection Rule.


Thankful for Extended Deadlines. There’s Still Time to Crash the CUNA GAC!

Calling all young professionals with a passion for advocacy. The deadline is extended until Nov. 26.

Real Time Hike the Hill Updates: GoWest Testifies at NCUA Budget Hearing; Questions Proposed Increases

Members of the GoWest Fall Hike the Hill delegation accompanied John Trull to help deliver credit unions’ position encouraging sound budgetary stewardship.