Picture of call to action sign

Call to Action – tell Colorado’s Senators to support HB 1351

The Colorado State Senate is considering House Bill 1351, a measure that is a top credit union priority, and the banks are fighting hard to convince them to take an anti-credit union position. We need your help to fight back.

Political Events Calendar Filling Up – Get Involved

Political events are an essential component of the GoWest advocacy strategy. Your participation is key to their success. With numerous critical races in play in this election cycle, it’s important to keep that momentum into 2024!  

Housing challenges discussed at Joint Corporations

Topics ranging from tax increment financing, local regulations and ordinances impeding development, impacts of out of state buyers driving up property values, land availability and abandoned building legislation and programs to help reduce interest rates were discussed by the Joint Corporations Committee.

Oregon Legislative Leadership Changes

Learn more about the new House Speaker, House Majority Leader, and Senate Republican Leader.

Idaho Legislature Adjourns for the Year

The Idaho legislature officially adjourned for the year wrapping up miscellaneous items and addressing two vetoes from Governor Little in Senate Bill 1314a and Senate Bill 1323.

CO Division of Banking Bill – HB 1351 – passes House floor – onto the Senate!

The House met on Sunday, April 14, for an all day session to pass bills on third and final reading.

Candidates announce across Wyoming

The busy election season is a reminder that new faces are always entering the political space, providing credit unions with the opportunity to advocate.

GoWest Congressional Leaders Rollout Data Privacy Package

Senator Cantwell and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers announced bipartisan, bicameral legislation that appears to address many of credit unions’ asks.

CO Division of Financial Services Sunset bill passes committee  

The Division of Financial Services Sunset bill – which updates multiple important regulations impacting credit unions – passed out of committee on an 8 to 2 vote.

Colorado’s 4 Congressional District Fight for Former Congressman Buck’s Vacant Seat  

On March 22, Congressman Buck from Colorado’s 4th Congressional District (CO-4) resigned abruptly, triggering a special election to fill his vacant seat for the remainder of his term.  

Governor Signs Arizona Credit Union Modernization Bill 

The updates will go into effect 90 days after the legislature adjourns for the year.

2023 HMDA Data Released

We highly encourage GoWest credit unions to analyze this data to gauge your standing within the industry and track your progress over time as shifting currents within the regulatory realm continue to shape the mortgage landscape.

Colorado Credit Unions Speak: Giving Banks the Option to Sell to Credit Unions Makes Good Economic Sense

In an initial hearing, the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee agreed this makes sense for Coloradans, and the committee voted 7-4 Wednesday in favor of moving it forward.

E-titling approved for interim study

At the request of a 13-member coalition of organizations, including GoWest Credit Union Association, along with the Wyoming Department of Transportation the Joint Transportation Committee included electronic titling as priority number three on their list of priorities.

Wyoming special session a no go

Headlines across the state have announced there will be no special session convened to attempt to override the Governor’s vetoes.

Interior of Olympia, Washington State Capitol

Governor Inslee signs final bills closing the book on 2024 session

Washington Governor Jay Inslee wrapped up the process of signing bills passed during the 2024 session into law at the end of last week.

Picture of US Capitol with flag

Congress Pushes Back on Regulators and Legal Settlement Impact on Interchange

GoWest’s Ryan Fitzgerald details a series of wins that will help credit unions build momentum against misguided legislation and regulatory overreach.


GoWest Files Comment Letter on CFPB Rule to Minimize Overdraft Fees

The letter reflects the input of GoWest member credit unions gathered during state GAC meetings and through other forms of outreach.

Arizona Act Update Bill Passes

The bill now moves to Gov. Hobbs’ desk for her signature. Thank you to all advocates who helped with this effort.

CO HB 1351 passes out of House committee

After a very successful hearing Wednesday afternoon, filled with strong, fact-supported testimony from credit union advocates and supportive statements from […]