Governor Inslee signs final bills closing the book on 2024 session
Posted by Joe Adamack on April 1, 2024

Washington Governor Jay Inslee wrapped up the process of signing bills passed during the 2024 session into law at the end of last week. Friday marked the end of the time window in which the governor has to act on items passed during the session that wrapped up on March 7th. In addition to closing the book on the 2024 legislative session it also marks the last bills Inslee will sign into law — barring an emergency special session — after his 12 years in office as Washington’s governor with his term ending after this year.
Overall, the Legislature passed 379 bills this year, higher than the average of 315 passed during a short session over the last decade, none of which were vetoed in full by the governor. Inslee did however partially veto portions of six bills all of which were largely technical in nature.
Unless specified otherwise via an emergency clause or a delayed implementation date bills passed and signed into law during the 2024 session will go into effect on June 6, 2024, the default 90 days after the legislative session adjourns. Some of those bills relevant or of interest to credit union advocates will be covered in the advocacy blog in the coming weeks and months.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Washington Advocacy.