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Compliance Newsletter – Feb. 26, 2024

Stay informed on the latest news and resources around compliance-related issues.

Picture of US Capitol with flag

“Partial” Govt. Shutdown Looms; GoWest has Resources for Credit Unions

GoWest has a resource center to help credit unions serve their members who may be impacted.

Washington Legislature enters final stretch of 2024 session

Today marks the 50th of this year’s 60-day Washington State Legislative session and while there’s little time left the next […]

WY Credit union led bill moves on to third reading in House

House Bill 86 – Vehicle lien – amendments, requiring more timely notification to lienholders when a vehicle is towed and […]

Idaho Legislature Quickly Approaching the All-Important Transmittal Date and More

Next Monday, March 4th, the Idaho legislature will reach the 57th day of the 2024 Idaho Legislature. This critical date […]

Following up on a Great Day at Colorado Credit Union Day at the Captiol

Credit union advocates met with nearly every legislative office in Colorado to share the Credit Union Difference.

Feel the Vibe! It’s Colorado Credit Union Day at the Capitol

We’re wowed by the turnout — by credit union advocates and legislators alike.

OR Dept. of Education seeks rulemaking input on SB3 implementation

The successful passage of Senate Bill 3 in 2023 was not the end of the conversation about how financial education […]

Idaho Credit Union Legislation Unanimously Passes out of Committee

On Tuesday, Senate Bill 1301, which updates the Idaho Credit Union Act, unanimously passed out of the Senate commerce committee. […]

First Deadlines Hit Oregon Legislative Session

It’s hard to believe, but two weeks have already passed in this year’s five-week “Short” Legislative Session. With that, the […]

OR State Treasurer Releases 2024 Financial Empowerment Scorecard

The Oregon Financial Scorecard offers a statistical view of the financial condition, knowledge and decision making of Oregonians, across the […]

Wyoming Towing Notification Legislation Advances

HB 86 unanimously passed the House Transportation Committee and now moves to the Committee of the Whole.

Compliance Newsletter – Feb. 20, 2024

Stay informed on the latest news and resources around compliance-related issues.

Roadmap for Lien and Titling Modernization Advances in Washington

You’ve seen firsthand the need for a series of modernizations to how auto titles are handled. GoWest is working the channels.

Credit Union Act Modernization Bill Unanimously Passes Arizona Senate

S.B. 1296 is a result of large stakeholder process in 2023, that included the Arizona State Issues Work Group, Arizona Governmental Affairs Committee, and the Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions.

Expect a long Washington ballot in November

Legislative leaders announced today the approach majority Democrats will take on a series of six initiatives to the Legislature that qualified following a signature-gathering process in 2023 and subsequent certification by the Sec. of State in January.

Update from the Wyoming Legislative Session

Week one of the Wyoming Legislative Session was strife with positioning and significant discord between the factions of the Republican […]

Act Modernization Bill Advances in Arizona

SB 1296, the GoWest-backed bill to modernize the Arizona Credit Union Act cleared another hurdle this week. After unanimously passing […]

Good News in Wyoming: First Hurdle Cleared in Vehicle Lien Legislation

Just two days after Credit Union Day at the Capitol, the bill was introduced in the House.


GoWest Analysis of NCUA Board Meeting

The NCUA board met on February 15, 2024. As always Go West is pleased to provide a same-day analysis. There […]