Record Numbers, Strong Impact: Credit Union Advocates Shape Policy at State Capitols

With another successful season of Credit Union Day at the Capitol events in the books, GoWest is excited to report that more credit union advocates participated in our six-state region than ever before. Nearly 850 credit union professionals converged on state capitols during the January and February events and met with more than 340 state senators, representatives, and staffers.

In each meeting, advocates shared critical messages with legislators about the important economic and community impact that credit unions have in their districts and shared support for priority legislation that could affect credit unions in each state.

Here’s what advocates from across the region had to say about their Day at the Capitol:

Oregon State Representative Rick Lewis with credit union advocates

The Day at the Capitol was an incredibly exciting and energizing experience! Not only did I have the privilege of meeting with our legislators firsthand, but it was also inspiring to stand alongside fellow credit unions, united in showcasing the power and impact we have in our community. I’m already looking forward to next year’s event.” – Bart Cedillo, Community Relationship Manager, Maps Credit Union (OR)

“I had the privilege of attending Idaho Day at the Capitol, an inspiring event that underscored the significance of credit union advocacy. It was an incredible opportunity to connect with lawmakers and community leaders, sharing how our credit union empowers members, supports local businesses, and strengthens our community. During lunch, we had the opportunity to speak with Representative Josh Wheeler about expanding the public deposit opportunities for credit unions. Adjusting this cap would help credit unions provide better financial services and strengthen the local economies.” Anthony Quinones, Relationship Development Officer, Frontier Credit Union (ID)

Wyoming credit union advocates gathered in Cheyenne

“For me, the most exciting part of the Wyoming Day at the Capital was watching our young professionals track down their legislators and passionately share their stories and experiences. They are the next generation of credit union leaders and advocates, and our future couldn’t be in better hands!” – Jeremy Gibson, CEO, Trona Valley Federal Credit Union (WY)

It was nice seeing so many credit unions coming together to collaborate on such an important cause. Being able to talk to legislators about the issues that not only affect credit unions and their memberships but also show our impact across Oregon is important and valuable to us as an organization.” – Sarah Bailey, Member Service Manager, NW Preferred Federal Credit Union (OR)

AZ Rep Matt Gress

Arizona State Representative Matt Gress with advocates

“Meeting with legislators was such an eye-opening experience. It was a powerful reminder that the work we do every day extends beyond our branches and into policies that shape the financial well-being for our members. Having the opportunity to share real stories with my elected representative about our impact made the day especially meaningful.” – Ali Porter, Sr Marketing Campaign Manager, Arizona Financial Credit Union (AZ)

“This year at the Day at the Capitol I got to show up as a true leader in our community. It was a great time to connect to my lawmakers and to talk about how credit unions embody the philosophy of ‘People Helping People.’ Having the opportunity and support from our credit unions and the GoWest team empowered me to speak boldly and connect with my legislators in a powerful way.” – Melissa Lambert, Branch Manager, First Credit Union (AZ)

Colorado advocates gather at the Capitol in Denver

“It was a great day at the Capitol! We pulled Representative Michael Carter out of session, and there was a group of us from Aurora, Colorado. He looked at my nametag and said, ‘I know you…my wife has been a teacher for 20 years and a member for as long, you have helped us so much. You are at 6th and Chambers, right?’ I said yes, and he just had some admiration in his eyes.” – Steve G. Bouras, President/CEO, The District Credit Union (CO)

WA DAC Bus 2025

SW Washington credit unions travelled together to Olympia

“Starting the day bright and early, the ultimate collaboration was evident as Southwest Washington credit union teams traveled together by bus – big thanks to the SW WA Chapter for providing the joyful ride. The camaraderie among credit unions could be felt throughout Olympia, thanks to GoWest’s meticulous planning, which ensured a highly impactful day. Adorned with blue scarves, we united in our mission to advocate for our 5.5 million Washingtonian members and share their heartfelt stories. The budget deficit was a significant topic, and sharing the data on our $4 billion GDP contribution in one year underscored the vital role credit unions play in our communities. This is the credit union difference – People Helping People at our core.” – Nelea Lem, Sales Manager, iQ Credit Union (WA)


Advocates of the Year

In addition to the advocacy trainings and legislative meetings, Advocate of the Year honors were given out during Day at the Capitol events. The awards went to credit union professionals who were fully engaged in advocating for the industry throughout the year and exemplify the Credit Union Movement’s People Helping People philosophy.

Congratulations to the 2024 Advocate of the Year winners!


Summit Advocate of the Year

Dan Thurman, CEO of Frontier Credit Union in Idaho Falls, was honored as the Summit Advocate of the Year. The Summit Advocate Award is presented to a credit union professional who demonstrates commitment and leadership in credit union advocacy and recognizes that participation in the legislative and political process is essential for the long-term prosperity of the Credit Union Movement. Thurman was presented with this award in October 2024 at MAXX.


Top of the Hill Awards

Twelve credit unions with teams that went “above and beyond” in advocacy engagement that helped shape successful state and/or federal engagement were also recognized with Top of the Hill awards. Credit unions were originally honored at MAXX 2024 and recognized at each Day at the Capitol as well.

Check out the DAC recaps for more details about each event: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming

Many thanks to the outstanding advocates in each state who took time out of their busy schedules to make advocacy “job one”! Your work with state and federal policymakers, coalitions, and consumer groups keeps credit union powers strong and allows credit unions to thrive!

Posted in Across the Region, Advocacy, Arizona, Colorado, Events, GoWest Association, Idaho, Leadership, Oregon, Regional Member News, Top Headlines, Washington, Wyoming.