GoWest at ALEC
Posted by Bobbie Frank on July 26, 2024

Zach Forster, VP of Legislative Affairs, Idaho and Bobbie Frank, VP of Legislative Affairs, Wyoming represented GoWest this week at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) annual meeting. The meeting is geared to policymakers committed to principles of limited government, free markets, and federalism. With a membership that includes state legislators, elected local officials, business leaders, and public policy experts.
Participation in ALEC provides an opportunity for GoWest to hear the issues that legislators may bring to our state capitols. Sessions covered issues such as Environmental, Social, Governance scores impact on electricity costs and generation, Education Savings Account legislation, and election integrity issues and challenges facing rural communities.
On Thursday GoWest sponsored an ice cream social for lawmakers. Local Colorado credit union staff and Katie March, VP of Legislative Affairs, Colorado joined Forster and Frank to welcome attendees.
On Thursday evening, State night, Forster and Frank hosted their state legislators for dinner providing valuable one on one time.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Arizona Advocacy, Colorado Advocacy, Idaho Advocacy, Oregon Advocacy, Washington Advocacy, Wyoming Advocacy.