Elect CU Champions. Contribute $30 by the 30th
Posted by Chris Kemm on June 4, 2024
GoWest advocates step up time after time to help move the needle towards regulatory and legislative actions that help credit unions to serve their members. One effective way to ensure advocacy success is by rallying grassroots support, to elect champions.
Can you contribute $30 by June 30th?
PAC contributions are an investment in our collective future. They help ensure that our voices are heard at the highest levels of government and that we have a seat at the table when decisions impacting our industry are made. Your support can make a significant difference in advancing our mission and protecting the interests of our members.
Please support the America’s Credit Union PAC by contributing $30 by June 30th. Help GoWest reach our $1,000 per state goal. This would count towards the national ACU PAC goal of $50,000 this month. Your role as an advocate is important; every dollar raised goes towards electing candidates who support credit union priorities and furthers the People Helping People mission.
If you’re already supporting the PAC, we appreciate you and would hope you can make another one-time, $30 contribution by the June 30 deadline.
It’s easy to contribute. Click here and enter your email address. If your PAC permissions are up to date, donating will take just seconds. If not, the website will help you take the necessary steps.
Please remember that all contributions are voluntary and exclusively allocated to political purposes. You retain the right to refuse to contribute without fear of reprisal. The guidelines provided are mere suggestions; you may contribute more or less than the recommended amounts. Your credit union, America’s Credit Unions (ACU), or ACUPAC will treat all contributions impartially, without favoritism or discrimination
Thank you for your support in this important advocacy work.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Federal Advocacy.