Important News for All States: Where do People Want Bricks & Mortar Branches?
Posted by Austin Debey on August 24, 2023

A recent data study was released this week by Upgraded Points, which analyzed data from the NCUA and FDIC and ranked states according to the share of households that rely on brick-and-mortar for their banking services. Per the report, Oregon was ranked #1 overall with a total of 88% of households relying on brick-and-mortar. In addition, Arizona, Idaho and Colorado all ranked in the top one-fourth of all states where people still rely on brick-and-mortar.
GoWest State Ranking
- #1 – Oregon 88%
- #7 – Arizona 84.4%
- #10 – Idaho 83.7%
- #13 – Colorado 83%
- #35 – Wyoming 80.9%
- #41 – Washington 79.3%
In addition, the study also noticed several differences based on a few key demographics. Based on the data presented, lower-income households, those with less education and those above the age of 65 remain the most reliant on brick-and-mortar banking.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Arizona Advocacy, Colorado Advocacy, Federal Advocacy, Idaho Advocacy, Oregon Advocacy, Washington Advocacy, Wyoming Advocacy.