Public Deposits Legislation Headed to Wyoming Senate Floor

Senate File 143 – Public monies – deposits in credit unions passed the Senate Minerals, Business and Economic Development Committee on Wednesday on a 4-1 vote. Voting for the bill were Senators Nethercott, Jones, Cooper and Rothfuss. Voting against was Senator Anderson.

Kicking off testimony was Bill Novotny, Johnson County Commissioner on behalf of the Commissioners Association and Ashley Harpstreith, Executive Director of the Wyoming Association of Municipalities supporting the legislation.

On behalf of Wyoming’s credit unions Bobbie Frank, VP Legislative Affairs, Tyler Valentine, President & CEO Stage Point FCU, Stephanie Propps, President and CEO Blue FCU testified at the hearing.

Joining online was Joel Highsmith, Mayor of Shoshoni, Mark Cowen, Sweetwater County Treasurer, Brian Rohrbacher, President and CEO Atlantic City FCU and Jeremy Gibson, President and CEO Trona Valley FCU.

Opposing the bill was Scott Meier, President Wyoming Bankers Association. The full hearing can be watched here.

The bill is scheduled for Monday on the Committee of the Whole (COW)/General File.  Credit union representatives along with the County Commissioners Association and Municipalities will be on hand to encourage Senate support before the vote is taken. If the bill passes COW it will move to second reading on Tuesday, and third reading on Wednesday.

Both House Bill 41 -Environmental Quality – irrevocable letters of credit and Senate File 25 – Electronic lien and title system have passed their house of origin and are pending introduction in the Senate and House respectively.

Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Wyoming Advocacy.