Priority legislation advancing in Wyoming

The Wyoming session is moving at a rapid pace with several bills already through the Senate and headed to the house at the end of the first four days of the session.

Top priority credit union legislation is also moving forward. Senate File 25 – Electronic Lien and Titling System legislation was introduced and referred to committee late Wednesday afternoon and was heard in Senate Transportation at 8 a.m. Thursday morning. Dave Krause, UniWyo FCU and Jeremy Gibson, Trona Valley FCU joined Bobbie Frank, VP of legislative affairs, in providing testimony on the importance of moving the state to an electronic platform to gain consistency, efficiencies and reduce fraud in the system. The bill passed general file in the Senate on Friday, but not without some concern being expressed about potential costs to Wyoming consumers.  GoWest is working with members of the electronic titling working group and several Senators to address those concerns to ensure the bill continues to move forward. It is on the schedule for second reading on Monday.

House Bill 41 – Environmental Quality – Irrevocable letters of credit was on the House Minerals Committee agenda Friday morning. Frank and Julie Dunham, Sunlight FCU were on hand to lend support for this bill but unfortunately the committee ran out of time. The bill is on House Mineral’s committee schedule first thing Monday morning.

The public deposits legislation is anticipated to be published on Monday.


Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Wyoming Advocacy.