Wyoming E-Titling Bill Unanimously Moves Out of Committee

Today, the Joint Transportation, Highways, and Military Affairs Committee met and heard testimony in regards to the proposed electronic titling bill. The Committee voted unanimously 14-0 to move the bill forward to the state legislative session.

In today’s hearing, Bobbie Frank, GoWest’s VP of Legislative Affairs for Wyoming, testified representing the state’s 21 credit unions and their interest in this process. Her testimony included discussion of the efficiencies and cost savings anticipated by the passage of the bill. She provided relevant data and information with regard to how credit unions in other states utilize an electronic titling process and specific examples of the current process and expenses of several Wyoming credit unions.

Representative Landon Brown (R-Laramie), Chairman of the Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs praised the efforts of the Electronic Titling Working Group noting the “big lift” that the group undertook to bring forth the bill. He added that the group was “dedicated to bringing Wyoming into the 21st Century” during this process.

Lacey Bruckner from the Wyoming Department of Transportation and Marsha Allen from the Wyoming Auto Dealer’s Association – both members of the working group – testified with Frank. Additional groups voicing their support of the bill included the Wyoming Business Alliance and the Wyoming County Clerks Association.

The bill requires the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) to proceed with moving to an electronic lien and titling system, authorizes WYDOT to contract with vendor(s) to establish and administer the system, and funds the system via transaction fees.

The bill requires all dealers, lenders, lienholders, insurance companies and secured parties to utilize the system. The bill provides that others not engaged in these sectors can use the system or go to the county clerk’s office to obtain their title. The bill allows for paper titles to be requested.

Additionally, on Sept. 12 GoWest hosted a reception for members of the Electronic Titling Working Group and the Joint Transportation, Highways, and Military Affairs Committee in appreciation of the work that has gone into the process of drafting the bill.

The system envisioned by the working group will provide automatic notification to parties of the transaction, ability to upload required documents, facilitate payment of sales tax as well as additional functionality. The Department will be authorized to proceed with requests for proposals and rulemaking immediately after the bill becomes law and the system will be established by July 1, 2027.

With today’s vote, the bill will move to the upcoming legislative session as a Joint Transportation Committee-sponsored bill.

Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Wyoming Advocacy.