Data Critical to Advocacy; Has Your Credit Union Completed the Surveys?
Posted by Bobbie Frank on August 29, 2024

All Wyoming GoWest member credit unions should have received the community and economic impact surveys last week. Your credit union’s data will provide us with the information necessary to advocate for credit union priorities. Having this data and information on hand as we discuss credit unions and their service to Wyoming citizens, communities, and the state’s economy with Wyoming elected officials is invaluable. There’s a bonus to participating credit unions: individual economic reports highlighting their services will be provided.
This round of surveys also includes specific information requests for Wyoming credit unions to aid in advancing the electronic titling initiative as well as our public fund discussions.
Due to the timing of the Joint Transportation Committee meeting September 12-13, we would appreciate getting the survey results by September 6. We have provided some individual credit union data related to titling to the Joint Transportation Committee and the response has been tremendous. Being able to provide the collective data of all Wyoming credit unions would multiply that impact.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Wyoming Advocacy.