#ILoveMyCreditUnion Day Is July 26 – Get Ready for the Worldwide CU Social Media Takeover
Posted by Alyse Knudsen on July 9, 2024

It’s time to show your credit union love! #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day on Friday, July 26 is the day to bring the Credit Union Movement together to inspire authentic and high energy conversations about why we love our credit unions.
On July 26, use the hashtag #ILoveMyCreditUnion across social media platforms to share why you love your credit union. This social media blitz was born of the idea that we can make the biggest impact when we work together in a cooperative spirit to bring authentic conversations to social media.
In 2023, I Love My Credit Union Day reached nine million people and had more than 30,000 engagements. Over 1,000 credit unions and organizations from all 50 U.S. states and nine countries participated in the social media blitz.
This collaborative grassroots initiative is both fun and powerful. By posting testimonials and tagging them with the #ILoveMyCreditUnion hashtag, you can inform and engage millions of potential members and key stakeholders, telling them about the Credit Union Difference.
To make it easy to participate, there is a library of free resources for you to use, including messaging templates, graphics, design tools, engagement ideas, logos, and other collateral — available in multiple languages — on the #ILoveMyCreditUnion website.
To learn more about the campaign and how it impacts the Credit Union Movement, check out the on-demand #ILoveMyCreditUnion webinar HERE, and access a host of resources HERE.
Posted in Public Awareness, Top Headlines.