New Oregon Senate Majority Leader
Posted by Pam Leavitt on July 2, 2024

The Oregon Senate Democrats elected Senator Kathleen Taylor (D – SE Portland,
Milwaukie & Oak Grove) to serve the people of Oregon as the new Senate Majority Leader.
Senator Taylor succeeds Senate Majority Leader Kate Lieber (D – Beaverton & SW
Portland), who is stepping up to guide Oregon’s budget process as the new co-chair of the
Joint Committee on Ways and Means. Both role changes will be effective July 15, 2024.
“I’m grateful to Senator Lieber for her service and for leading the Senate Democratic caucus to
deliver major wins for the people of Oregon. I’m ready to get to work so we can continue
moving our state in the right direction,” said Leader-elect Taylor.
Senator Taylor, who served for a term in the Oregon House of Representatives starting in 2015,
was elected to the Senate in 2017, currently serves as the Chair of the Senate Labor and
Business Committee and a member of the Senate Natural Resources and Wildfire and Joint
Audits Committees. In 2020, Senator Taylor led Oregon’s successful redistricting effort as the
co-chair of the Joint Committee on Redistricting, and passed notable progressive legislation
including Paid Family Medical Leave and Oregon’s Equal Pay Laws.
Senator Taylor helped guide the bill updating the Oregon Credit Union Act through the Senate in 2023.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Oregon Advocacy.