Senate District 6 Field Getting Crowded
Posted by Bobbie Frank on May 16, 2024

Today is the official opening for legislative candidate filing in Wyoming. The filing deadline is May 31. GoWest will finalize candidates to support after the deadline. Many candidates across the state have already been announced and more announcements will be coming in the next few weeks.
One priority race for GoWest is Senate District 6. GoWest supported candidate, Kim Withers former President and CEO of Meridian Trust FCU has thrown her hat in the ring. So far, three additional candidates have also announced for this seat. The incumbent has not yet announced but it is anticipated he will run again. This race is shaping up to be one of the most competitive this election season. In addition to Withers, candidates that have announced are Taft Love, Chair of the Laramie County Republican Party and an outfitter and construction business owner. Love ran unsuccessfully for Laramie County Commissioner in 2020. Mark Torriani moved to Pine Bluffs about five years ago from Colorado. He has a background in international career in telecom services and now raises highlander cattle. Eric Johnston, a farmer from Wheatland and a former county commissioner has also announced.
GoWest will be supporting Wither’s campaign and will host a “meet the candidate” event in June. Look for your invite to meet Kim and rally around her candidacy. GoWest encourages early contributions to Withers’ campaign to help her hit the ground running.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Wyoming Advocacy.