Wyoming session adjourns
Posted by Bobbie Frank on March 12, 2024

The 67th session of the Wyoming State Legislature adjourned on Friday March 8 around 9 p.m. The two houses passed the compromise budget negotiated by the second conference committee by a 41-21 vote in the House and a narrower 17-14 vote in the Senate.
The $10.6 billion budget included diverting $700 million to savings. In all of 366 bills and resolutions pre-filed, 127 passed and many are pending gubernatorial action. The Governor has vetoed one bill to date related to charter school amendments. Track the Governor’s actions here.
Front and center issues along with the budget, included property tax, parental rights, and gun rights issues. Of thirteen property tax relief and reform bills, five passed the session and are pending action from the Governor.
The Management Council will meet on April 1 to finalize the standing committee’s interim study topics. This will include a discussion on the electronic title interim study topic requested by GoWest and a coalition of organizations. Stay tuned for more information on all interim study topics and those of interest to credit unions.
There will not be much of a break as the first interim committee meeting, Joint Labor Health, and Social Services, is slated for the end of April.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Wyoming Advocacy.