Awesome Advocacy Event Connects Colorado Young Professionals, Legislators
Posted by Katie March on January 30, 2024

Your GoWest team was proud to support the Colorado Young Credit Union Professionals in two advocacy events: a virtual training on “Effective Advocacy” and an incredibly successful evening event with legislators called “Legislative Libations”.
With over 40 credit union advocates and eight legislators in attendance, the event provided a platform for meaningful conversations about credit unions and advocacy with local legislators. The event was sponsored by our young professionals, but credit union professionals of all ages – the young and the “young at heart” – were encouraged to attend.
The passion and engagement from both our elected officials and credit union advocates was inspiring to see. Building these connections will help lead to a successful legislative session and allow us to build a grassroots movement at the Capitol – showing elected officials the Credit Union Difference.
“Huge shoutout to the Colorado YCUP group for putting together the ‘Legislative Libations’ event,” said Lexy Strong, Manager, GoWest’s Credit Union Communities Manager. “They took the lead in creating a space for young professionals to learn about credit union advocacy. It’s awesome to see them championing the importance of advocacy in a way that’s accessible and engaging for everyone involved.”
Thanks to those who attended the training before the event and previous GoWest trainings, legislators walked away with a full picture of Credit Union’s structure, value, and impact as well as an understanding of how current legislation will benefit both the state of Colorado and their local credit unions.
The event was a huge success! We look forward to seeing all of you on Feb. 22 at our Colorado Day at the Capitol event. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so, here and now!
Posted in Colorado, Colorado Advocacy, Top Headlines.