Next Steps in Wyoming E-titling
Posted by Bobbie Frank on January 26, 2024

The E-titling workgroup that has been strategizing on moving Wyoming to an electronic titling state, met again this week and for the last time prior to the start of the legislative session.
The group collectively agreed that moving the entire process, not just the title and lien release process, to an electronic platform, is the goal and to avoid piecemealing the transition. To facilitate the entire process of moving to an electronic platform, numerous statutes will need to be changed.
The next step is to submit an interim study topic request by the March 1 deadline to the Joint Transportation Committee. The Committees meet jointly toward the end of the session and review Committee priorities for the interim work. GoWest and Credit Unions will work with the other stakeholders to complete the form and work with members of the Committee to solicit support. Please stay tuned as having credit unions present at the Committee meeting will be very helpful. The joint committees will meet the week of March 4.
The Wyoming Department of Transportation staff have done an excellent job facilitating the group representing county clerks, treasurers, insurance companies, automobile dealers, lenders, and towing interests.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Wyoming Advocacy.