Wyoming Legislative Session Schedule Set
Posted by Bobbie Frank on December 21, 2023

The Management Council, a committee made up of the leadership of both the Senate and House along with an at-large member, met December 21 and adopted the schedule for the 2024 budget session.
The 20-day budget session will convene at 10 a.m. on February 12, 2024, and adjourn by midnight on March 8, 2024.
Wyoming’s legislature establishes deadlines for both the budget bill as well as non-budget bills throughout the session.
Non-budget bills go through several steps including introduction, which requires 2/3rds majority in a budget session, committee assignments, report out of committee, bills in Committee of the Whole, second reading, and third reading. Once all these steps are completed the bill goes to the second house to go through the same steps and then ultimately to the Governor for action. All these steps will need to be completed in the house of origin by February 26 and in the second house by March 7. Bills not meeting the specified deadlines die.
The condensed period makes it even more important that we communicate with legislators in advance of the session. We are continuing to schedule legislative meetings through the month of January and the beginning of February, discussing the importance of the legislation to amend the Vehicle Lien statute to provide for more timely notification to lienholders when a vehicle is towed. We have an all-Credit Union legislative briefing scheduled for February 4 at 10 a.m. to review the bill and discuss strategy.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Wyoming Advocacy.