GoWest Staff Participate in Annual NCSL Meeting
Posted by Pam Leavitt on August 25, 2023
The Annual National Conference of State Legislators brings in thousands of elected officials from all over the country to engage and learn about new issues. Your GoWest staff, Pam Leavitt and Katie March, attended the Conference along with credit union representatives from all over the country. CUNA hosts a large booth and hands out notebooks with background on America’s Credit Unions which gives us an opportunity to network with not only legislators from in the US but elected leaders all over the world. In addition, America’s Credit Unions is a major sponsor of the conference and hosts one of the breakout sessions in the learning lab. This year it was focused on the interchange issue.
From the newly elected NCSL Chair from Rhode Island, “NCSL stands as the premier bipartisan organization for legislators and the laboratory for democracy for legislators and legislative staff. I am profoundly honored to spearhead NCSL during this critical juncture, where fostering collaboration and bipartisanship is of utmost importance.”
The GoWest Team was excited to participate and have the opportunity to engage with several legislators from our six-state footprint.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Arizona Advocacy, Colorado Advocacy, Idaho Advocacy, Oregon Advocacy, Washington Advocacy, Wyoming Advocacy.