Mark Your Calendar: July 29 is #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day on Social Media
Posted by Katy Wagnon on July 26, 2022

Credit unions are taking social media by storm on July 29, and your voice is needed to make the biggest impact!
#ILoveMyCreditUnion is a worldwide campaign that aims to bring the Credit Union Movement together on a single day to inspire authentic and high-energy conversation about why we love our credit unions.
To make it easy to participate, you are encouraged to use the free messaging templates, graphics, design tools, engagement ideas, logos, and other collateral — available in multiple languages — on the #ILoveMyCreditUnion website.
This collaborative grassroots initiative is both fun and powerful — by posting your testimonial and tagging it with the #ILoveMyCreditUnion hashtag, you can inform and engage millions of potential members and key stakeholders about the Credit Union Difference.
Last year, the campaign reached 22 million people!
Watch this video to learn more:
Sign up today and use, search, and share the #ILoveMyCreditUnion hashtag on Friday, July 29. See you online!
Posted in Public Awareness, Top Headlines.