Supreme Court Strikes Down Chevron Doctrine

Early Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) struck down the Reagan-era judicial precedent known as the Chevron Doctrine, which has provided deference to federal regulators and agencies in their reasonable interpretation of ambiguous federal laws when presenting to courts on legal determinations of agency rules and guidelines. This decision outlines that courts do not automatically have to rely on the expertise and/or interpretation of a statute by the Administration or federal agencies.  

In a 6-3 decision, which divided SCOTUS along traditional ideological lines, it delivers a major victory for those organizations and businesses that feel that the Executive Branch of the federal government has overstepped its powers in a broad group of policy areas, where agencies frequently use highly trained experts to interpret and implement federal laws. With this decision, we can expect the flow of lawsuits to push back on current agency rules to increase.  

The GoWest Advocacy Team will continue to closely follow the ripple effect from this monumental change in federal administrative interpretive powers, strategize potential actions that can be taken in collaboration with our national partners, and keep you informed of impacts that we see on the horizon in the financial services arena. 

Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Federal Advocacy.