Session Gets Going in Oregon Capitol
Posted by Pam Leavitt on January 27, 2025

The Oregon legislature convened last Tuesday to begin the six-month 2025 session which will consider proposed laws and budgets. The first day was largely one of formalities and procedures as members were sworn in and leaders were selected. Bills were introduced, committees appointed, and Governor Tina Kotek delivered the State of the State address. As of Monday, over 2,500 bills have been introduced and it is expected the legislature will consider over 4,000 this session.
The Legislature has several new faces, and some legislators with limited experience. Since 2023, 31 out of 90 members of the Oregon House are new!
Legislative committees are now in full session mode and things have definitely picked up around the Capitol. The inbox for legislators are pinging with meeting requests, and advocates are starting to make their rounds about bills they support and oppose. Here are priority items we are tracking:
CU Legislative Agenda
HB3188 – Oregon Credit Unions are working with the leadership in the Oregon Legislature on a bill to make housing more accessible. We are asking the state for funding support to create a loan loss reserve fund which will act as a first source of loss recovery at $2.3 million. House Majority Leader Ben Bowman is sponsoring the bill.
The goal of the Oregon Welcome Home program is to create a statewide loan program to expand home financing options for families at or below 130% of the median household income level. Members of participating financial institutions would be able to achieve homeownership through this program with a 100% financed mortgage loan.
IDA’s – Oregon credit unions are also supporting other homeownership goals including permanent funding for the Individual Development Accounts (IDAs). It is critical to ensure that more IDAs are available to support our neighbors who are working hard to achieve goals that may otherwise be out of reach, including buying a first home, starting a business, or graduating college debt-free.
HB3370 & HB3371 – These two bills were drafted from recommendations from our State Issues Working Group to update the Oregon Credit Union Act and the Landlord-Tenant Act. These technical updates and changes came from recommendations from Oregon Credit Unions.
Oregon Bankers Drop Bill Against CU’s
While Oregon Credit Unions are focused on homeownership, Oregon bankers are focused on limiting the ability of credit unions to serve Oregonians. The Oregon Bankers Association introduced SB781, a bill that states that if a credit union acquires assets of a banking institution, receipts from the business portfolio acquired from the bank remain subject to the corporate excise tax and corporate activity tax.
Other Bills of Note:
SB430 would require all online retailers to display a written summary of the transaction, including any fees or charges, before a buyer checks out and ensure that buyers can walk away from the sale. It’s similar to a rule from the Federal Trade Commission which is set to take effect in May requiring sellers of event tickets and hotels or vacation rentals to clearly and prominently display the total cost of the ticket or lodging.
HB2966 would establish a Task Force to study “Public Financing Option.” This bill, otherwise, known as the “state bank bill” is scheduled for a hearing this week and is sponsored by Rep. Gamba and Senator Golden.
Your Voice is Needed. Come to CU Day at the Capitol Feb. 5
Strategies are in place to pass credit union priorities and to defeat the bank attack, and your participation makes us more effective. If you’ve not already registered for Credit Union Day at the Capitol, please do so, and if you have, consider bringing more members of your team. Information is available here.
The Oregon Legislative Website and the Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS) have an abundance of resources to use for following along with the Legislative Session. Visit to find out! If you are preparing for CU Day, you can put it to your address to find your legislator and learn more about them! Go to “Find Your Legislator” Here
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Oregon Advocacy.