Get Your “I’m a Credit Union Advocate” T-shirt Now! Order Deadline Extended
Posted by Alyse Knudsen on November 7, 2024

The “I’m a Credit Union Advocate” campaign was launched at MAXX 2024, and we are excited by how it has been embraced by credit unions across the region! Advocacy to protect and advance the Credit Union Movement is a priority for all of us, and we’re making it easy to show your pride in advocacy with “I’m a Credit Union Advocate” T-shirts.
If you missed out on ordering T-shirts for your team at MAXX, good news! The deadline to order online has been extended until the end of November.
Whether it’s for a casual Friday in your branches, a community event, or standing on the steps of your capitol building at the upcoming Credit Union Days at the Capitol, wear your advocacy proudly! You’ll be in good company alongside your peers across the GoWest region.
Order one for yourself or order 50 for your team!
Orders can be placed until the end of the day on Nov. 29. T-shirts will be shipping the week of Dec. 23.
Posted in GoWest Association, MAXX.