Over 100 New CU Advocates Complete 101 Training

More than 100 new credit union advocates joined in for one of the virtual Advocacy 101 training sessions held this week.

Attendees learned where to start on their advocacy journey, discovered what it means to be a credit union advocate, heard from seasoned advocates and were prepared to get involved in telling the credit union story.

This training also readies them to take a deeper dive into more advanced strategies and tips for practical legislative outreach.  Advocacy 101 was open to any credit union team member who wanted to step up their knowledge and engagement in all we do to support credit unions.

The next training is Advocacy 201, as is being held Sept. 4th.  This session will help participants further craft compelling credit union stories and learn the how to’s of building relationships with elected officials and policymakers. Learn more and sign up here.

For those who attended, thank you! Your dedication to being an advocate in the CU Movement makes a difference to our members and the communities we serve.

More GoWest Advocacy information can be found here

Posted in Advocacy on the Move.