Industrial Credit Union Branch Receives an Artistic Upgrade
Posted by Alyse Knudsen on August 12, 2024

DRIFT Mural Co. of Ottawa, recently completed a colorful update to Industrial Credit Union’s State Street branch in Bellingham, Wash. In 2023, Industrial sponsored the grand prize wall for Bellingham’s Noisy Waters Mural Festival and selected DRIFT to create the custom mural.
In the months since the 2023 festival, the winning mural artists have returned to Bellingham, bringing several jaw-dropping murals to life and adding to the unique vibrancy of the not-so-subdued city – including the two-story mural which wraps a portion of Industrial’s branch exterior.
The Noisy Waters Mural Festival brings world-renowned muralists and art enthusiasts to the Bellingham waterfront for a weekend of mural painting, demos, music, parties, education, and inspiration. Local sponsors pair with the winning muralists to bring art to buildings downtown, enhancing the growing, vibrant community.
“Industrial Credit Union was created in 1941 and originally served the employees of Bellingham’s Puget Sound Pulp and Timber Company,” explained Industrial President and CEO Brandon Hahnel. “Participating in Noisy Waters allowed us a phenomenal opportunity to gift incredible art to our community while honoring the credit union’s origins.”
Industrial Credit Union has been a part of Whatcom County for more than 80 years. While Industrial often gives back to Whatcom County through donations, sponsorships, and volunteer work, by participating in the festival and providing space for a mural, they were thrilled to share the gift of place-making artwork with the community they love.
Posted in Community Impact, Regional Member News, Top Headlines, Washington.