GoWest Advocacy Marks Milestone
Posted by Patti Hazlett on June 26, 2024

Last week, GoWest advocacy marked a milestone in 2024. The official “sine die” adjournment of the Arizona State Legislature on June 15 marked the final ending of the state legislative sessions for the region.
With an active agenda and engaged credit union advocates in each state, much was accomplished this year. Between Day at the Capitol events and opportunities throughout the sessions, there were thousands of touchpoints with legislators in the region. Here are just a few of the highlights:
Passed SB 1296 – Arizona Credit Union Act Modernization. This bill, which goes into effect September 13:
- Makes changes to better align state statute with existing federal law or regulations;
- Modernizes credit union governance; addresses technological advancements; and
- Makes other technical changes to definitions and language.
Passed HB 1381 – Division of Financial Services Sunset. This bill is part of an annual regulatory process whereby the State reviews all regulated industries on a staggered basis. HB 1351 provides specific benefits for credit unions including:
- Shortens the sunset period for the Division of Financial Services, allowing for more efficient modernizations going forward;
- Provides explicit authority for a Colorado-chartered credit union to merge with a credit union in another state;
- Modernizes the authority of the state financial services board and commissioner to assess a financial penalty for misconduct;
- Repeals the prohibition on overlapping geographic fields of membership;
- Allows a credit union’s board to set the fiscal year and annual meeting dates; and
- Repeals the requirement of the Financial Services Board to send registered mail notice to other financial institutions near a credit union newly providing services.
Passed SB 1301 – Updates to the Idaho Credit Union Act. This bill modernizes the state’s credit union act by:
- Updating the definitions section of the Act;
- Modernizing and streamlining day-to-day operations within the credit union, along with improving communications between credit unions and regulators along with their members;
- Providing an easier path to deliver financial services to rural Idahoans; and
- Updating a credit union’s investment capabilities to go beyond traditional CUSO investments.
Passed SB 1530, Omnibus Funding Package, that included credit union supported funding for Individual Development Accounts (IDAs):
- IDAs are asset building tools designed to enable Oregon families to save a targeted amount for priorities such as home ownership, post-secondary education, and small business ownership;
- Oregon credit unions support the program because of its strong connection to financial education and asset building; and
- $5 million for IDAs was included in the bill.
Laid the groundwork for a digital lien and titling program:
- Developed and successfully passed a proviso in the 2024 transportation budget that directs the Department of Licensing (DOL) to do the due diligence, review, analysis, and ultimately make a recommendation back to the Legislature on the statutory, regulatory, and budgetary changes.
- After years of no advancement from the DOL, this work ensures that lawmakers have everything they need to move this work forward. This also provides credit unions with the opportunity to be actively involved in the study and analysis process.
Passed Senate Enrolled Act 28 (original HB 86) – Vehicle lien – amendments:
- This bill requires towing yards to request a title search from the Department of Transportation for any vehicle that remains in their yard five days after date of tow (and the owner is known).
- The Department has 5-7 days to conduct a title search and provide the information to the tow yard, which in turn has one business day to notify any lienholder that they are in possession of the vehicle.
Of course, the state sessions are just a piece of the entire advocacy picture. It’s job one and a 365-day-a-year priority. This is election season, and there are many important races that GoWest and credit unions are engaged in. Electing credit union champions is a key piece of a comprehensive advocacy strategy.
“While we pause to celebrate the credit union wins of this year’s state legislative sessions, we know that this work is never done,” said Jennifer Wagner, GoWest’s EVP and Chief Advocacy Officer. “It’s credit unions’ continuous engagement, relationship development with elected officials, and highlighting the credit union difference through stories and data that makes all the difference. We thank you for making the important 360-degree work of advocacy a priority across the region.”
Posted in Advocacy, Advocacy News, Advocacy on the Move, Top Headlines.