Pima Federal Credit Union Raises $78,000 for the Local Community
Posted by Alyse Knudsen on June 21, 2024

Tucson, Ariz.-based Pima Federal Credit Union announced that its 11th Annual Pima Federal Golf Classic raised $78,000. The event, held on May 2, 2024, at the Golf Club at Dove Mountain, hosted 140 golfers and included a live raffle and silent auction. Youth On Their Own and IMPACT of Southern Arizona were selected as the beneficiaries of the signature fundraising event in 2024. Pima Federal is proud to provide each of these organizations with a $39,000 donation to help further their mission of providing vital resources and support in our community.
“The Golf Classic is a rewarding event that allows us to make a positive impact in our community,” said Pima Federal President and CEO Eric Renaud. “The funds raised will equally support the two beneficiaries to fulfill their mission of serving others. We are so grateful to all the sponsors and participants for their generosity. Our Board and employees of our credit union take great pride in the Golf Classic and I’m proud of their efforts to host a special event each year!”
Pima Federal is dedicated to supporting the community and does so through volunteerism, educational support, and community giving/fundraising. Since the Golf Classic was established in 2013, a total of $706,000 has been raised to directly benefit our community. This important fundraising event aligns directly with Pima Federal’s common purpose of helping others.
Pima Federal would like to thank their partners, sponsors, guests, media partners, and the community for their continued support of the Golf Classic.
ABOUT YOTO: Youth On Their Own (YOTO) supports the high school graduation and continued success of youth experiencing homelessness in Pima Countv. They strive to eliminate barriers to education and empower housing insecure vouth in our community to stav in school. For over 35 years, they have supported more than 20,000 local youth in their journeys toward high school graduation by providing financial assistance, basic human needs, guidance, and more.
ABOUT IMPACT: IMPACT‘s mission is to empower Southern Arizonans with the resources required to pursue a stabilized and enhanced quality of life. With less than a dozen staff members, but more than 170 volunteer shifts every week and a large number of community partners, IMPACT of Southern Arizona invests more than $2.5 million dollars into the community every year, helping thousands of low to moderate income families and individuals.
Posted in Arizona, Community Impact, Regional Member News.