Desert Financial Credit Union Random Act of Kindness Impacts Little Leaguers in a Big Way

As spring training began for a southern Arizona little league, the unthinkable happened–criminals broke into the Rio Vista Little League’s storage unit in Peoria and stole all of their equipment. While there’s never a good time for something like this, the beginning of a new season was especially tough as teams were starting to form and practices beginning.

As the call for help went out, Desert Financial Credit Union answered in a big way. The credit union’s Random Acts of Kindness team surprised Rio Vista Little League in March with a load of gear–bats, balls, bases, catcher’s equipment, and safety netting.

“Giving back has always been at the heart of what we do,” said Justin Monnet of Desert Financial Credit Union. “Back in January, Rio Vista Little League experienced a robbery of their equipment from an onsite storage facility at the little league field. Almost everything was stolen, and just 18 months prior, Desert Financial had done a Random Act of Kindness to donate equipment and supplies. When my co-worker, Michael Tagle, heard about the robbery he submitted another request to our Random Act of Kindness committee to help them out again. We wanted to make sure the kids had what they needed to play the sport they’re passionate about this season.”

“It’s nice to see there are hearts out there that care,” said Rio Vista Little League’s President, Luis Narvais. “Without the community, we would have struggled to get the team back up and running.”

It’s these moments of unexpected generosity that remind us of the power of The Credit Union Movement. “Desert Financial really went above and beyond to set us up for success this season, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their donation,” said Narvais.

Thanks in part to Desert Financial Credit Union, the little league is once again ready to…play ball!

Posted in Arizona, Regional Member News.