Oregon Legislature Passes “Fix” to Measure 110 Bill
Posted by Pam Leavitt on March 3, 2024

HB 4002A Passes!
One of the major pieces of legislation for the 2024 session is HB4002A, otherwise know as the “fix and improve Measure 110” bill related to controlled substances and the additional crisis.
On February 26th, the Joint Committee on Addiction and Community Response took four hours of public testimony on the bill. Witnesses were divided on the updated amendment that included a new unclassified misdemeanor charge for drug possession and enhanced treatment and recovery services, including the flexibility for local jurisdictions to direct defendants to services, probation or incarceration. The Oregon ACLU was and continues to be vehemently opposed to the compromise legislation, while the Coalition to Fix M110 issued a statement providing notification that with the successful enactment of HB 4002 and HB 5204 (investment package), the chief petitioners would be withdrawing their ballot initiative.
The day after the hearing, the committee voted the bill out 10-2 with Rep. Valderrama and Sen. Prozanski being no. The Oregon House of Representatives considered the bill on 2/29 and after two hours of emotional and personal floor speeches, passed the bill 51-7. Given the bipartisan vote, after the vote, Senate Republicans indicated their willingness to suspend rules and coordinate with the Senate Presidents Office to make HB 4002 and HB 5204 special orders of business on Friday 3/1. After passionate floor debate, the Senate voted the bill out 21-8 with Senator Thatcher being excused, however, during floor remarks she stated she would have voted yes. Opponents to the bill stated the lack of a sunset and the potential for disproportionate racial impacts as their reasons for being no. The bill now awaits the governor’s signature for enactment. The county deflection programs and the new unclassified misdemeanor will not go into effect until 9/1/24.
Here is an example statement from Legislators on the passage of the bill:
“HB 4002 A goes well beyond a repeal of Measure 110 and is the first step for law enforcement to have the tools they need to save lives, get drug dealers off the streets, get users the treatment services Oregonians wanted and to begin to give back our communities to their residents and families. There is more work to be done, and I will continue to work with our law enforcement officers, community leaders and fellow elected officials to make sure we strengthen this work in the 2025 Legislative Session”, Senator Brock Smith.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Oregon Advocacy.