OR Dept. of Education seeks rulemaking input on SB3 implementation
Posted by Pam Leavitt on February 22, 2024

The successful passage of Senate Bill 3 in 2023 was not the end of the conversation about how financial education should be taught in Oregon: Many key decisions are now being made. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) is underway with the implementation of Senate Bill 3, the legislation Oregon credit unions introduced and passed in 2023 that requires high school students to take personal finance and life skills classes to graduate.
Draft rules are about to be released and you have an opportunity to offer your opinion and feedback. Please register to participate in information/feedback sessions or submit your comments by email.
Details yet to be decided include who can teach the course, how credits are awarded, and how they may be taught in conjunction with other content standards. In addition, importantly, the bill itself says the credits can be taught as standalone courses — or can be integrated into other content areas, which is similar to how personal finance standards are taught today.
Here is the announcement and invitation to participate from our friends at the Department of Education:
In June 2023, the Oregon legislature passed Senate Bill 3, updating Oregon’s high school diploma requirements. Beginning with the class of 2027, the Oregon diploma requirements will include a 0.5 credit in Personal Financial Education and a 0.5 credit in Higher Education and Career Path Skills, as part of the 24 credit requirements.
The Oregon Department of Education is inviting community members to provide feedback on the proposed revisions to Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) in Division 22 to assist with the implementation of Senate Bill 3.
Zoom will be used as a platform for discussions on the following meeting dates:
- Friday, February 23 12-1 PM (PT): registration
- Monday, February 26 4-5 PM (PT) registration
- Tuesday, February 27 7:30-8:30 AM (PT) registration
- Tuesday, February 27 at 4 -5 PM (PT) registration
Proposed rule revisions will be presented to the State Board of Education in April 2024.
Questions and written feedback can be directed to [email protected]
Please do not miss the opportunity to be part of this important conversation. Also, please spread the word to your respective networks.
Also, please note that this engagement is seeking feedback to incorporate into rulemaking. There will be subsequent additional sessions in March and April to discuss the “standards” for the topics/subjects that will be taught as part of the new credits.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Oregon Advocacy.