Arizona’s Credit Union Modernization Bill Clears Senate Commitee
Posted by Austin Debey on February 6, 2024

On Monday, the Arizona Credit Union Modernization Bill (SB 1296) cleared it’s first legislative hurdle, as it passed unanimously out of the Senate Finance and Commerce Committee. The bill, which is sponsored by Sen. JD Mesnard, will now move to the Senate Rules Committee, followed by discussion in each parties respective caucus meeting.
S.B. 1296 is a result of large stakeholder process in 2023, that included the Arizona State Issues Work Group, Arizona Governmental Affairs Committee and the Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions.
The legislation makes the following changes:
Changes to better align state statute with existing federal law or regulations.
This includes provisions to:
- Allow credit unions flexibility to determine their fiscal year.
- Reduce the participation loan limit requirements.
- Better align statutes that govern credit union field of membership and their ability to purchase assets allow loan and deposit accounts policies to be set by the board.
Changes to modernize credit union governance.
This includes provisions to:
- Update procedure and processes for the removal of officials or a dangerous/abusive member.
- Provide flexibility in the number of board meetings, without compromising oversight.
- Update the threshold and process that trigger how loans made to officials must be reported to regulator.
Changes to address technological advancements.
This includes provisions to:
- Ensure that the statutes around how boards conduct telephonic conferencing also includes other forms of electronic meetings, like zoom/or teams.
- Remove requirement to report ATMs to DIFI
Other technical changes
- Updates definitions & language that references outdated duties, organizations, regulations & statutes.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Arizona Advocacy.