A Remarkable Day to Remember: Washington Credit Union Day at the Capitol
January 31, 2024

Is there anyone in Olympia who didn’t receive the credit union message on Wednesday? That would be hard to imagine. First, a force of nearly 200 passionate credit union advocates attending GoWest’s Credit Union Day at the Capitol, shattered even the most impressive legislative meeting records, touching base with nearly every state senate or house office. They held deep-dive conversations in legislative offices, and met with some of their stakeholders in the hallways, as elected officials made their way to appointments.
Everyone should hear the CU story — and did!
There were several other public interest groups having Day at the Capitol events Tuesday, and credit union advocates lobbied their attendees, too, sharing the benefits of being part of a not-for-profit, cooperative financial services model. The GoWest crowd’s very large presence couldn’t be missed — the blue and yellow scarves let everyone know that credit unions were in the house.
Washington credit unions have worked with the association for years to expand the bench and voices of advocates; CEOs can’t do it all, and can’t do it alone! The fact that this work is paying off was borne out by the high number of first-time advocates, who stepped right up like seasoned pros. Joe Adamack, VP, Legislative Affairs for Washington, reports the new advocates were “as polished, as excited, and as prepared” as seasoned advocates in sharing their real-world experiences, working the branches to serve lawmakers’ constituents.
Wait. We’re not done!
We’ve always said Credit Union Day at the Capitol is a family day, a day to come together with a united voice, to ask for support of CU priorities, to thank lawmakers for their commitment to public service, and to share how CUs’ not-for-profit cooperative structure delivers financial benefits directly to members and drives positive impacts in communities. That message was clearly delivered in Olympia this week. And, advocates are encouraged to stay in touch with their elected officials. Thank them for meeting with you. Host them in your branches once the busy session is behind us. May the great memories you helped to make at Day at the Capitol, help deepen your relationships with your legislators.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Washington Advocacy.