Columbia Credit Union Donates $47,456 to Nonprofits Through Charity Golf Tournament

The 7th annual Columbia Credit Union McKibbin Legacy Classic — a charity golf tournament organized by Columbia Credit Union, based in Vancouver, Washington, and presented by Vesta Hospitality in tribute to the late John McKibbin — took place Aug. 17 and raised $47,456 for community nonprofit organizations.

John McKibbin was a special presence in Clark County throughout his life. Serving as a member of the Washington House of Representatives and a Clark County Commissioner, he raised funds for causes important to him and he made life better for the community at every turn.

The Columbia Credit Union McKibbin Legacy Classic honors his legacy by continuing the same spirit of enthusiastic charity. Proceeds from this year’s tournament support three organizations that John McKibbin championed and align with Columbia Credit Union’s core value of community: CDM Caregiving Services, Evergreen Habitat for Humanity, and Leadership Clark County (LCC).

Each nonprofit received a check for $15,818.64 at a Columbia Credit Union Operations Center presentation.

“Stories about John share his ability to inspire community leaders to mobilize, guide others, facilitate problem-solving and decision-making processes, and innovate to benefit the community,” said Lindsey Salvestrin, Columbia Credit Union President and CEO. “His ability to get people to work together toward a common goal was infectious, and exactly what this charity tournament is all about.”

About the organizations benefiting from the tournament:

CDM Caregiving Services

A vital part of our community for over 40 years, CDM Caregiving Services is a leader and resource provider in care for the elderly and people of all ages with disabilities.

Evergreen Habitat for Humanity

The Evergreen Habitat for Humanity’s largest subdivision is McKibbin Commons, named after John, who played an integral role in laying the foundation for the organization’s work in the community as a board president. The ten-family complex completes John’s vision of bringing neighbors together to overcome hardship, build something special, and thrive.

Leadership Clark County

Founded in 1993 by a group of community leaders, Leadership Clark County is a nonprofit, nonpartisan civic leadership program dedicated to educating people about our community’s challenges and developing community leaders to meet those challenges.

Posted in Regional Member News, Washington.