Opportunity for Young Arizona CU Members to Win Education Savings Accounts Deposits
Posted by Austin Debey on September 15, 2023

Earlier this week, Austin DeBey joined Treasurer Kimberly Yee and other community leaders for the Treasurer’s quarterly Financial Literacy Taskforce Meeting. Among the topics discussed at the meeting was the announcement that the Treasurer’s fourth-annual statewide essay writing contest is underway for AZ529, Arizona’s Education Savings Plan.
As part of the contest, Arizona students in fifth and sixth grade Arizona are asked to answer the question “What is your dream job and how do you plan on achieving it in the future?.” A total of 20 winners will be selected across the state and will be awarded $529 towards opening a new or existing AZ529 Education Savings Plan. Entries can be submitted between now and October 1st at 11:59pm.
Last year, a few credit unions helped promote the contest to their members, as at least one member will be selected from each of Arizona’s 15 counties. For more information on the contest and how to promote, visit the AZ529 contest page. If you do promote the opportunity to your members, please let Austin DeBey know at [email protected] , so he can let the Treasurer’s office know.
Posted in Advocacy on the Move, Arizona Advocacy.