At MAXX: Instant Payments and the Impact of FedNow
July 28, 2023

One of the biggest developments in the financial services industry, the Federal Reserve’s FedNow Service, has gone live. Instant payments are here — is your credit union ready?
Credit unions and banks of all sizes can now offer instant money transfers 24/7 to their customers through the service. By enabling immediate access to funds and faster payment processing any day of the year, the cutting-edge tool opens up a world of possibilities. What will the journey look like for your institution?
Find out more information and ask any lingering questions at the upcoming MAXX convention. Speaker Joni Hopkins, vice president of the Federal Reserve’s Product and Relationship Management Group, will take a deep dive into the subject during her “FedNow: The Future is Now” session. She’ll walk you through any key considerations or decisions you need to make, regardless of where you’re at on the instant payments journey.
Join us for the discussion Oct. 4 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. PT. Register here.
Want to know more about MAXX 2023? Join our virtual Lunch and Learn – Click to register Aug. 2 or Aug. 3.
Posted in Events, GoWest Association, MAXX, Top Headlines.