RSVP to the GoWest Awards Dinner and Gala
Posted by Katy Wagnon on July 25, 2023

The GoWest Awards Dinner and Gala is back this year at MAXX 2023. Scheduled for Oct. 5, this is the big finale for our signature convention – and it’s all about you!
You have achieved so much for your employees and communities. And with so many incredible credit union nominations, this will be the first time your peers across our six-state region will get to celebrate you.
Winners across eight main award categories will be decided by a panel of your credit union peers and announced that evening.
Join us for a night of community, storytelling, and cheers to your commitment to creating a positive impact for your communities and the Credit Union Movement.
Purchase your tickets here.
As a reminder, here are this year’s award categories:
Employee Experience
Recognizes a credit union that has intentionally built a culture of internal professional development by fostering a positive work environment, providing tools for growth, and encouraging and supporting career development.
Member Program
Recognizes a credit union that has developed an initiative, business model, program, or service that addresses the unique local, social, cultural, or economic needs that are specific to the credit union membership.
Community Impact
Recognizes a credit union that has demonstrated the value of its unique structure through a comprehensive approach to social responsibility and community impact throughout its institution.
Cooperation in Action
Recognizes the efforts of two or more credit unions, a CU community, or credit union professionals from separate credit unions, working together in the spirit of cooperation and collaboration, which results in a much greater impact.
Distinguished Director
Recognizes a credit union board member who demonstrates commitment and leadership in credit union advocacy, community service, and to the ongoing success of their credit union.
Young Professional
Recognizes a next-generation credit union leader who demonstrates commitment to credit union advocacy, community service, and excellence in credit union operations or team building with proven results.
Summit Advocate
Recognizes the outstanding achievement and accomplishments of a credit union professional who demonstrates commitment and leadership in credit union advocacy.
Summit Icon
Recognizes a credit union professional who exemplifies outstanding overall and sustained leadership in the Credit Union Movement with respect to advocacy efforts, social responsibility, credit union philosophy, and community impact.
We hope to see you there!
Posted in MAXX, Top Headlines.