FFIEC Announces Availability of 2022 Data on Mortgage Lending
July 10, 2023

The FFIEC announced the availability of the 2022 HMDA mortgage data. The Snapshot National Loan-Level Dataset contains the national HMDA datasets as of May 1, 2023. Key observations from the Snapshot include the following:
- For 2022, the number of reporting institutions increased by about 2.63 percent from 4,338 in the previous year to 4,460.
- The 2022 data includes information on 14.3 million home loan applications. Among them, 11.5 million were closed-end and 2.5 million were open-end. Another 287,000 records are from financial institutions making use of Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act’s partial exemptions and did not indicate whether the records were closed-end or open-end.
- The share of mortgages originated by non-depository, independent mortgage companies has decreased and, in 2022, accounted for 60.2 percent of first lien, one- to four-family, site-built, owner-occupied home-purchase loans, down from 63.9 percent in 2021.
- In terms of borrower race and ethnicity, the share of closed-end home purchase loans for first lien, one- to four-family, site-built, owner-occupied properties made to Black or African American borrowers rose from 7.9 percent in 2021 to 8.1 percent in 2022, the share made to Hispanic-White borrowers decreased slightly from 9.2 percent to 9.1 percent, and those made to Asian borrowers increased from 7.1 percent to 7.6 percent.
- In 2022, Black or African American and Hispanic-White applicants experienced denial rates for first lien, one- to four-family, site-built, owner-occupied conventional, closed-end home purchase loans of 16.4 percent and 11.1 percent respectively, while the denial rates for Asian and non-Hispanic-White applicants were 9.2 percent and 5.8 percent respectively.
Posted in Compliance Resources.