CU4Kids Northwest Classic: Back in Person for First Time in Two Years
Posted by Ben Shuey on June 7, 2022

Get your golf clubs ready — a well-loved event with a storied history in the Northwest will return this summer after a two-year pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Credit Unions for Kids Northwest Classic golf tournament, founded originally by First Tech Federal Credit Union, is slated for Monday, July 11, at the Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club just outside of Portland.
One hundred percent of the annual event’s proceeds go to six Children’s Miracle Network hospitals, including Seattle Children’s Hospital, Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital – Riverbend, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, USCF Benioff Children’s Hospital – Oakland, and Children’s Hospital Colorado.
During the last in-person tournament in the summer of 2019, credit unions and businesses across the region came together to raise a record-breaking $1.5 million, bringing the total fundraising to a whopping $10.7 million since the Classic’s inception. This year, organizers said the tournament hopes to again raise more than $1 million to fund cutting-edge medical research, innovative therapies and treatments, and world-class care for local children.
It’s clear the Northwest Movement is more than ready to tee off on the green in just a few short weeks. Several credit unions and Strategic Link business partners have jumped in to sponsor the event including BECU, Consolidated Community Credit Union, iQ Credit Union, OCCU, OnPoint Community Credit Union, Co-op Solutions, CUNA Mutual Group, Fiserv, Farleigh Wada Witt, Origence, and others.
“The Northwest Classic represents model collaboration among credit unions working together in a fun and meaningful way that ultimately makes a meaningful impact for the hospitals, for the kids, and for their families,” said Troy Stang, President and CEO of NWCUA. “This event is graciously hosted by First Tech during a beautiful time of year in Oregon, which will serve as a wonderful backdrop for credit union leaders across the six-state association region to gather for inspiration, fellowship, and some healthy competition to benefit local children’s hospitals. We have seen time and time again that credit union collaboration in the philanthropic space teaches us how to come together with a united voice in advocacy. I look forward to seeing you there!”
Credit Union Sponsorships Are Available
Sponsorship package costs are scaled for asset size, but the same benefits package is offered to all Heritage Sponsors. For a minimal investment of $1,000, a credit union with under $25,000 in assets can obtain a Heritage Sponsorship and receive a package all other sponsors receive including:
- An invitation to the exclusive Credit Union CEO Roundtable July 11 featuring regional and national thought leaders;
- Logo recognition in the tournament banner and program;
- Recognition in the news release announcing the fundraising success;
- Donation benefitting the CMN hospital of the sponsor’s choice, with full donor credit given, and the opportunity to participate in the check presentation;
- Complimentary registration including tee prizes, range balls, and attendance at the 19th Hole Awards Dinner; and
- Attendance at the Celebration Dinner at Amaterra Winery on July 10.
Learn more online and get involved today!
Editor’s note: Credit unions will have another opportunity to raise money for CMN hospitals this fall during the CU4Kids Disco Ball, taking place Oct. 26 at the 2022 MAXX Annual Convention in Spokane. Visit the event page online today to learn more and register.
Posted in CU4Kids.