CFPB Advisory Opinion on Coverage of Fair Lending Laws
Posted by Ben Shuey on June 7, 2022

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued an advisory opinion that confirms that the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) bars lenders from discriminating against customers after they have received a loan, not just during the application process.
ECOA bans credit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, and age. It also protects those who are receiving money from any public assistance program or exercising their rights under certain consumer protection laws. The CFPB issued Monday’s advisory opinion and accompanying analysis to clarify that ECOA protects people from discrimination in all aspects of a credit arrangement. The advisory opinion is consistent with a recent legal brief filed by the CFPB, the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
Among other things, the advisory opinion states that ECOA:
- Continues to protect borrowers after they have applied for and received credit: Lenders are prohibited from discriminating against borrowers with existing credit. For example, ECOA prohibits lenders from lowering the credit limit of certain borrowers’ accounts or subjecting certain borrowers to more aggressive collections practices on a prohibited basis, such as race.
- Requires lenders to provide “adverse action notices” to borrowers with existing credit: Adverse action notices explain why an unfavorable decision was made against a borrower. Credit applicants and borrowers receive these notices for reasons including that credit was denied, an existing account was terminated, or an account’s terms were unfavorably changed. “Adverse action notices” discourage discrimination, and they help applicants and borrowers learn the reasons for creditors’ decisions.
Question of the Week
Q. If we receive a garnishment order for the account of Joe Smith, and Jane Smith is a joint owner on the account, must we garnish this account even though we know that it may contain Jane’s money too?
A. Yes, you would have to garnish the account. It is easy to feel sorry for the joint owner but remember that joint responsibility goes along with being a joint owner on an account.
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RCW 6.27.080
ORS 18.605
IDS 11-703
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Posted in Compliance Resources.