Contact Your Local Representatives to Ask for Support of Credit Union Priority Legislation
Posted by Ben Shuey on January 25, 2022

UPDATE: The State House voted to pass HB 1165 the evening of Jan. 26 so this opportunity to ask for your local House member’s support has closed. Now we need to thank those that voted to support credit unions and turn our attention to the Senate so keep an eye out for more updates in the coming weeks.
At the Northwest Credit Union Association, credit unions are at the heart of everything we do including the development and advancement of House Bill 1165, legislation that modernizes the Washington State Credit Union Act. From initial concept planning through the State Issues Working Group to testifying in legislative hearings, credit union voices have been involved every step of the way.
Now there’s another important opportunity for you to engage in the process of getting this legislation passed. Please take a minute to contact your local House Representatives asking them to again support HB 1165 when it comes to a vote by the full House in the coming weeks. By clicking this link and entering your home and/or office address (if they are in different legislative districts) you will be able to send an email reminding them of the importance of the legislation and asking for their support.
It’s important that lawmakers hear directly from the people who live and work in their home district about the incredible work credit unions do to serve the needs of your members and communities.
You can also customize the written email by adding any specific work your credit union has been doing to help your members through what is still a tremendously challenging time for so many.
Thank you for engaging directly in the advocacy process. We appreciate your partnership.
Posted in Advocacy News, Advocacy on the Move, Washington Advocacy.