Another Fantastic Year for the Advocacy Subcommittee!
Posted by Ben Shuey on October 27, 2020

The Advocacy Subcommittee met for its final meeting of the year last week. We want to thank our co-chairs Traci McGlathery, STCU and Kevin Cole, MidOregon CU for their leadership in what by every imaginable definition was a ‘unique’ year, to say the least. From the COVID-19 pandemic to wildfires throughout the region, the committee was meeting under unprecedented circumstances and had to pivot from some of the more typical priorities (no Advocacy Luncheon skit this year). The committee met virtually throughout the year to formalize a variety of recommendations from CULAC to the #CUGetOutTheVote social media campaigns to the August Hike At Home participation and recommendations for future years. It would be challenging to capture all of the great ideas that came out of the committee but I know this for certain, we will be well prepared for whatever next year has in store and have some clear commitments and priorities for 2021.
With that, thank you to all committee members for your engagement and contributions this year, you inspire the Credit Union Movement onward with your advocacy!
The Advocacy Subcommittee remains one of the most effective forums to create and foster ideas to keep our credit union advocacy strong throughout the Northwest. Are you interested in serving on this committee or have questions about the process? Contact Jordan Beyer, Grassroots Advocacy Manager
Posted in Advocacy on the Move.