Oregon Legislature Heads into Special Session
Posted by Lynn Heider on June 16, 2020

June 16, Oregon Governor Kate Brown announced she will convene a Special Session of the Oregon Legislature on Wednesday, June 24, to take up proposed legislation to improve police accountability and address the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We are at a unique moment in America,” Governor Brown said. “I am calling a special session to take up two urgent issues facing our state: the COVID-19 pandemic and police accountability. Several pandemic-related policies that I have implemented via executive order, including the temporary eviction moratorium and protecting CARES Act payments from garnishment, should be codified in statute. And the public’s call for significant police reform is too urgent to wait until the next regular legislative session. It’s imperative that the Legislature take action on these issues right away.”
The Northwest Credit Union Association is communicating regularly with Oregon Legislators on the proposed concepts that will not be available to review until later this week. On the list includes extending the commercial and residential eviction moratorium, foreclosure protections, protections from garnishment for CARES Act payments, and remote notary provisions. We have provided feedback on what was the Governor’s draft Executive Order on a foreclosure moratorium along with support for moving forward with remote notarization. We will provide updates as soon as we review the legislation.
List of Proposed Concepts for the Special Session:
- Police Discipline Statewide Database
- Attorney General Lead for Use of Force Investigations
- Require Mandatory Reporting by Officers of Other Officer Behavior
- Ban on Tear Gas, Militarization…?
- Law Enforcement Arbitration (HB 1567A, 2020)
- Outlaw use of Chokeholds
- Commercial Eviction Moratorium EO 20-11
- Residential Eviction Moratorium EO 20-13
- Foreclosure Protections
- Broadband + Virtual Schools
- Public Meetings and Local Government Operations EO 20-16
- Protecting CARES ACT Payments EO 20-18
- Court Dates Extension
- Super Siting Authority Housing HB 4001C, 2020
- LIHEAP (Weatherization) Authority
- Remote Notary Provisions
- Hotel and Motels Limited Immunity for COVID Isolation Requires by public entities
- Small Rural Schools Formula (HB 4044, 2020 – Redraft but limit to 1 year)
- Extend Enterprise Zone Termination Date from June 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020
- Broaden Use of IDA Funds for Emergency Assistance for COVID Pandemic Relief
- State-Run Meat Processing Plant Inspection Program (HB 4152, 2020)
- CAT Technical Fixes and Dairies (HB 4009A, 2020)
23. Eastern Oregon Border Board Grant Fund Limitations (HB 4165A, 2020) 24. Out of State Placement and Family First
25. Forestry MOU
Posted in Advocacy on the Move.